mood ring, collection Aluminium

Dec 20, 2016

We love starting the week by bringing you models such as this one. It puts us in a Good Mood.

Why? Because we think the combination of a steel base (small, large or rounded and polished) and an aluminium addon is a 100% winning team.

Durability and robustness are the two qualities of this model, but another advantage of these AO ("aluminium anodisé" addons is that they are available in 6 magnificent colors. Intense colors combined with the incomparable shine of aluminium. 

 bague mood collection aluminium O2!

We love this model, because we think it fits the androgynous side of mood perfectly.

Opt for plain or engraved (o2, buzz, moustaches, city, chat) and you, too, will be a fan of our AO aluminium addons.